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  • Leadec Spain
  • Leadec Spain

    We offer comprehensive services for your production facility, from installation, commissioning and automation to maintenance, and support for peripheral processes. Our range of services also includes digital optimization options.

Leadec Spain: your service specialist

Leadec is the leading global service specialist along the entire life cycle of the factory and the related infrastructure. For 60 years now, we have been providing customers in the manufacturing industries with support along the entire factory life cycle: from planning, installation, and automation to operation of the factories and buildings. We are active at more than 350 locations around the world - often directly at the customer's plants and facilities.


As a true service champion, our services ensure that production runs smoothly. We never stand still to keep your plant in motion. Because our promise is: We love your factory.  

The factories are our home

We uniquely combine the knowledge, network capacity and performance of a global player with the personal support of a regional partner in your location. We are able to draw on our knowledge and expertise from many countries, enabling us to provide the right solutions for your business to use its full potential.


Get to know our Integrated Facility Management Model

One Team. One Journey.

One Team. One Journey.

Nothing is more important at Leadec than our strong teams. No matter the work we each do, our heart beats in sync with the rhythms of the factory.


Career at Leadec

News: Leadec acquires two companies from Servycat in Spain

Leadec, the leading global service specialist for factories and related infrastructure, has acquired Manteniments Industrials Servycat 2017, S.L.U. and Electro Servycat, S.L. with effect from January 2, 2025. The service companies in Spain complement Leadec’s technical expertise and further expand its customer base in the food and beverage industry. 


Press Release

Want to learn more?

Ask us. We would be happy to provide you with any information needed: Paulina.lujan(at)